This install was part of ‘The World Reimagined’ project, showcasing over 100 globes. Each tells its own story of the legacy of the transatlantic slave trade in modern society from a different lens.
“Expanding Soul” was my theme. I wanted to create something celebratory, something vibrant and something that embodies soul in its purest forms. I wanted to explore music, community, food, love- elements that are often rooted in African and Caribbean culture. I want people to see images that resonate with them in some shape or form. I included one anecdote that connects me to this work too, an old photo that’s close to my heart of my Grandfather cutting my cousins hair. My hope for it - as the theme suggests, is that it opens and expands the soul.
See it as part of the Bristol trail in St Pauls. Partners/sponsors: Sky Arts, Bristol Council & Natra Care