Pinterest x Livity

In Autumn 2023 I was commissioned by Pinterest for REPRESENT- a project to elevate and celebrate artists of
black heritage in the UK. We each created a piece of art about what our community means to us.

I wanted to show love to people in my life who have helped shape or develop my creative identity, and push the boundaries of my work. As an artist of black heritage, exploring how that presents itself in my art is something that constantly shifts and takes new shapes. Iā€™m inspired by those with different creative outlets to me, and these varied perspectives have enabled me to grow immensely. Whether it be through conversations where I just unpack my ideas, or supporting me figure out why I do what I do.

The patchwork is of 5 people and focusses on their defining characteristics, aesthetics, and vibes.


Premier League: No Room For Racism


Ready For Sport - Adidas